## template for json data to feed the steel series gauges ## $Id: gauge-data.txt.tmpl 1279 2015-03-01 15:49:03Z mwall $ ## by Matthew Wall on flight 868 ;) ## 31dec2014 ## Updated 25jan2015 by M Crossley, changed cloudbase: to cloudbasevalue: ## Updated 12jan2016 by M Crossley, fixes applied from here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/weewx-user/rDdSbzQWbFw ## definitions for the tags can be found here: ## http://wiki.sandaysoft.com/a/Webtags ## ## the following fields are not directly available from weewx: ## ## ver:10? ## apptemp - calculated in this template ## apptempTL ## apptempTH ## TapptempTL ## TapptempTH ## humidex - calculated in this template ## forecast - calculated by forecasting module ## LastRainTipISO ## Tbeaufort - calculated by this template ## BearingRangeFrom10 - lowest clockwise bearing in last 10 minutes ## BearingRangeTo10 - highest clockwise bearing in last 10 minutes ## CurrentSolarMax - calculated in this template ## WindRoseData ## windrun - calculated in this template ## ## ver:12 ## cloudbasevalue - calculated in this template in feet ## cloudbaseunit - defined in this template as ft #import math #import time ## get the time in formats that we need later #set $ts=float($current.dateTime.raw) #set $timeutc=time.strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S", time.gmtime($ts)) ## see if the station has contact with the sensor #set $sensorContactLost = 0 #set $rxchk = $getVar('current.rxCheckPercent.raw', 100) #if $rxchk is not None and $rxchk == 0 #set $sensorContactLost = 1 #end if ## calculate humidex ## http://www.physlink.com/reference/weather.cfm #if $varExists('current.outTemp') and $current.outTemp.raw is not None and $varExists('current.dewpoint') and $current.dewpoint.raw is not None #set $oT_C = $current.outTemp.degree_C.raw #set $dp_K = $current.dewpoint.degree_C.raw + 273.15 #set $e = 6.11 * math.exp(5417.7530 * ((1/273.16) - 1/$dp_K)) #set $h = 0.5555 * math.exp($e - 10.0) #if $h > 0 #set $humidex = $oT_C + $h #else #set $humidex = $oT_C #end if #if $unit.unit_type.outTemp == 'degree_F' #set $humidex = 32.0 + 1.8 * $humidex #end if #else #set $humidex = 'N/A' #end if ## calculate apparent temperature ## ## http://www.bom.gov.au/info/thermal_stress/#atapproximation ## AT = Ta + 0.33*e - 0.70*ws - 4.00 ## where AT and Ta (air temperature) are deg-C, ## e is water vapor pressure ## ws is wind speed (m/s) at elevation of 10 meters ## e = rh / 100 * 6.105 * exp(17.27 * Ta / (237.7 + Ta)) ## rh is relative humidity ## ## http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/societal-impacts/apparent-temp/ ## AT = -2.7 + 1.04*T + 2.0*e -0.65*v ## where AT and T (air temperature) are deg-C, ## e is vapor pressure in kPa, ## and v is 10m wind speed in m/sec ## #if $varExists('current.outTemp') and $current.outTemp.raw is not None and $varExists('current.outHumidity') and $current.outHumidity.raw is not None and $varExists('current.windSpeed') and $current.windSpeed.raw is not None #set $oT_C = $current.outTemp.degree_C.raw #set $rh = $current.outHumidity.raw #set $ws = $current.windSpeed.meter_per_second.raw #if $oT_C is not None and $rh is not None and $ws is not None #set $e = ($rh / 100) * 6.105 * math.exp(17.27 * $oT_C / (237.7 + $oT_C)) #set $apptemp = $oT_C + 0.33 * $e - 0.7 * $ws - 4.0 #if $unit.unit_type.outTemp == 'degree_F' #set $apptemp = 32.0 + 1.8 * $apptemp #end if #else #set $apptemp = 'N/A' #end if #else #set $apptemp = 'N/A' #end if ## calculate the cloud base in feet #if $varExists('current.outTemp') and $current.outTemp.raw is not None and $varExists('current.dewpoint') and $current.dewpoint.raw is not None #set $oT_F = $current.outTemp.degree_F.raw #set $dp_F = $current.dewpoint.degree_F.raw #set $a_f = $station.altitude.foot.raw #set $cloudbase = (($oT_F - $dp_F) / 4.4 * 1000) + $a_f #else #set $cloudbase = 'N/A' #end if ## calculate the wind run for the day ## FIXME: this is an approximation since averages are per-hour #set $t = time.localtime($ts) #set $windrun = 0 #for $n in range($t[3]) #set $ago = $hours_ago(hours_ago=$n).windSpeed.avg.raw #if $ago is not None #set $windrun = $windrun + $ago #end if #end for #if $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'mile_per_hour' #set $windrununit = 'mile' #elif $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'km_per_hour' #set $windrununit = 'kilometer' #elif $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'meter_per_second' #set $windrununit = 'kilometer' #set $windrun = $windrun / 3.6 #elif $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'knot' #set $windrununit = 'mile' #set $windrun = $windrun / 0.8689762 #else #set $windrununit = '' #end if ## calulate solar max ## Ryan-Stolzenbach, MIT 1972 formula ## http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/eap/models.html ## ## el - solar elevation in decimal degrees ## R - distance from earth to sun in AU ## atc - atmospheric transmission coefficient (0.70-0.91) ## z - elevation in meters ## #if $almanac.hasExtras #set $rs_el = $almanac.sun.alt #set $rs_R = $almanac.sun.earth_distance #set $rs_atc = 0.8 #set $rs_z = $station.altitude.meter.raw #set $rs_nrel = 1367.0 #set $rs_sinel = math.sin($rs_el * math.pi / 180.0) #if $rs_z is not None and $rs_R is not None #if $rs_sinel < 0 #set $solarMax = 0 #else #set $rs_rm = math.pow((288.0-0.0065*$rs_z)/288.0,5.256)/($rs_sinel+0.15*math.pow($rs_el+3.885,-1.253)) #set $rs_toa = $rs_nrel * $rs_sinel / ($rs_R * $rs_R) #set $solarMax = $rs_toa * math.pow($rs_atc, $rs_rm) #end if #else #set $solarMax = 'N/A' #end if #else #set $solarMax = 'N/A' #end if ## calculate today's highest beaufort based on wind speed in knots #if $varExists('day.windSpeed') and $day.windSpeed.max.raw is not None #if $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'mile_per_hour' #set $kts = $day.windSpeed.max.raw * 0.8689762 #elif $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'km_per_hour' #set $kts = $day.windSpeed.max.raw * 0.539956 #elif $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'meter_per_second' #set $kts = $day.windSpeed.max.raw * 1.943844 #elif $unit.unit_type.windSpeed == 'knot' #set $kts = $day.windSpeed.max.raw #else #set $kts = 0 #end if #if $kts < 1 #set $beaufort = 0 #elif $kts < 4 #set $beaufort = 1 #elif $kts < 7 #set $beaufort = 2 #elif $kts < 11 #set $beaufort = 3 #elif $kts < 17 #set $beaufort = 4 #elif $kts < 22 #set $beaufort = 5 #elif $kts < 28 #set $beaufort = 6 #elif $kts < 34 #set $beaufort = 7 #elif $kts < 41 #set $beaufort = 8 #elif $kts < 48 #set $beaufort = 9 #elif $kts < 56 #set $beaufort = 10 #elif $kts < 64 #set $beaufort = 11 #else #set $beaufort = 12 #end if #else #set $beaufort = 'N/A' #end if ## if forecasting is installed, report the Zambretti forecast #if $varExists('forecast.zambretti') #set $fc = $forecast.label('Zambretti', $forecast.zambretti.code) #else #set $fc = 'forecast is not available' #end if #set $t_trend = $trend(time_delta=3600).outTemp.raw #if $t_trend is None #set $t_trend = 0 #end if #set $p_trend = $trend(time_delta=10800).barometer.raw #if $p_trend is None #set $p_trend = 0 #end if { "timeUTC":"$timeutc", "date":"$current.dateTime.format('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M')", "dateFormat":"y.m.d h:m", "SensorContactLost":"$sensorContactLost", "tempunit":"$unit.label.outTemp", "windunit":"$unit.label.windSpeed", "pressunit":"$unit.label.barometer", "rainunit":"$unit.label.rain", "windrununit":"$windrununit", "cloudbaseunit":" ft", "temp":"$current.outTemp.raw", "tempTL":"$day.outTemp.min.raw", "tempTH":"$day.outTemp.max.raw", "TtempTL":"$day.outTemp.mintime", "TtempTH":"$day.outTemp.maxtime", "temptrend":"$t_trend", "intemp":"$current.inTemp.raw", "hum":"$current.outHumidity.raw", "humTL":"$day.outHumidity.min.raw", "humTH":"$day.outHumidity.max.raw", "ThumTL":"$day.outHumidity.mintime", "ThumTH":"$day.outHumidity.maxtime", "inhum":"$current.inHumidity.raw", "dew":"$current.dewpoint.raw", "dewpointTL":"$day.dewpoint.min.raw", "dewpointTH":"$day.dewpoint.max.raw", "TdewpointTL":"$day.dewpoint.mintime", "TdewpointTH":"$day.dewpoint.maxtime", "wchill":"$current.windchill.raw", "wchillTL":"$day.windchill.min.raw", "TwchillTL":"$day.windchill.mintime", "heatindex":"$current.heatindex.raw", "heatindexTH":"$day.heatindex.max.raw", "TheatindexTH":"$day.heatindex.maxtime", "apptemp":"$apptemp", "apptempTL":"0", "apptempTH":"0", "TapptempTL":"", "TapptempTH":"", "humidex":"$humidex", "press":"$current.barometer.raw", "pressL":"$year.barometer.min.raw", "pressH":"$year.barometer.max.raw", "pressTL":"$day.barometer.min.raw", "pressTH":"$day.barometer.max.raw", "TpressTL":"$day.barometer.mintime", "TpressTH":"$day.barometer.maxtime", "presstrendval":"$p_trend", "rfall":"$day.rain.sum.raw", "rrate":"$current.rainRate.raw", "rrateTM":"$day.rainRate.max.raw", "TrrateTM":"$day.rainRate.maxtime", "hourlyrainTH":"$hour.rain.max.raw", "ThourlyrainTH":"$hour.rain.maxtime", "LastRainTipISO":"2000-01-01 00:00", "wlatest":"$current.windSpeed.raw", "wspeed":"$hour.windSpeed.avg.raw", "windTM":"$day.windGust.max.raw", "wgust":"$current.windGust.raw", "wgustTM":"$hour.windGust.max.raw", "TwgustTM":"$day.windGust.maxtime", "bearing":"$current.windDir.raw", "avgbearing":"$day.wind.vecdir.raw", "bearingTM":"$day.wind.gustdir.raw", "BearingRangeFrom10":"000", "BearingRangeTo10":"000", "domwinddir":"$day.wind.vecdir.ordinal_compass", "WindRoseData":[], "windrun":"$windrun", "Tbeaufort":"F$beaufort", "UV":"$current.UV", "UVTH":"$day.UV.max.raw", "SolarRad":"$current.radiation.raw", "SolarTM":"$day.radiation.max.raw", "CurrentSolarMax":"$solarMax", "cloudbasevalue":"$cloudbase", "forecast":"$fc", "version":"$station.version", "build":"", "ver":"12" }